Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How I Think It Went Down

Britney - It's Me Against the Music

"Hi, Mis- Hi, Miss Spears? Yes, yes, this is your assistant, Jeff. Ah, no, that’s the other Jeff. No, this is Jeff ‘the Jeffster,’ not ‘J-Man’ Jeff. Yes, I- yes. So, I really hate to bring this up... um, but I was looking at your lyrics, and- yes, yes, the ones you sent me at 4 AM this morning for proofing. Yes- no, no, don’t worry, I’m actually usually up then anyway... so, yes, I was looking through them, and first, oh man, they’re great. They’re totally great. But, ah, so, the one thing that is a little bit off is, it should be 'It is I against the music.' No, no, I hear you, and I totally understand where you were coming from. I know you wrote 'me against the music,' but you know, you’re the subject in this sentence so... um... yes… ye-es… well, no. See, I mean, yes, I know, Miss Spears; 'me against the music' does- yes, I agree, it does have a nice ring to- no, I know, I know it's art, but I just- well, no; well, I mean, ‘is’ requires a subject, taking the nominative case, so… well I don’t- I don’t know… Yes, ok. Yes, I see."

Also: plastic tie and shirt-less collar? Really?

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